These days, many major enterprises are expanding their market overseas. Personally, I disagree that those enterprises have any responsibility to aid local people.
Firstly, the appearance of foreign companies in numerous countries already enhances employment in the neighborhood. For example, when Apple established new showrooms or retail stores in Hanoi, hundreds of local job seekers were employed, reducing unemployment and improving standards of living. Furthermore, multi-national companies contribute tremendously to local community by paying taxes to the state through the tax system. This amount of money will be spent on the distribution of social benefits such as medical care or education services. Therefore, it would be unreasonable for those companies to take any further obligation for providing support for local communities where they base their offices.
Secondly, the idea of overseas companies sacrificing a proportion of their profit to help local people, although preferred by some, is absurd because it is the responsibility of local authorities or the government of that country. They should learn to deal with their own domestic problems, instead of calling for help from overseas companies. Furthermore, those organizations have to make money to survive in this competitive world. If a part of their revenue is given to charity groups, for example, to ameliorate local living standards, their priority goal will not be fulfilled, leading to their retreat and a great loss to the community.
In conclusion, the operation of large enterprises from wealthy nations in less developed countries naturally sparks several positive changes in local life, and it is not their obligation to help people living around.
Từ vựng chủ lực:
Reducing unemployment and improving standards of living: giảm thất nghiệp và cải thiện mức sóng
The distribution of social benefits: Phân phát phúc lợi xã hội
Take any further obligation for providing support for local communities: Có trách nhiệm bắt buộc giúp đỡ cộng đồng
Survive in this competitive world: Sống sót trong thế giới cạnh tranh
Ameliorate local living standards: Cải thiện mức sống của vùng xung quanh
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