Address /əˈdres/

Ex: Your problems won’t go away if you ignore them, you need to address them.

Adjust /əˈdʒʌst/

Ex: The brakes need to be adjusted.

Aggravate /ˈæɡrəveɪt/

Ex: Pollution can aggravate asthma.

Cause /kɔːz/

Ex: Of course it’s causing problems for me at home.

Complete /kəmˈpliːt/

Ex: She's just completed a master's degree in Law.

Compound /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/

Ex: The problems were compounded by severe food shortages.

Deal with

Ex: I’m not really sure how to deal with them.

Deteriorate /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/

Ex: Her health deteriorated rapidly, and she died shortly afterwards.

Enhance /ɪnˈhɑːns/

Ex: This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company.

Exacerbate /ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt/

Ex: His aggressive reaction only exacerbated the situation.

Exclude /ɪkˈskluːd/

Ex: I think it helps if we try to create more communities within the bigger city so we should try to include people rather than exclude them.

Face /feɪs/

Ex: One of the biggest problems facing the world today is poverty.

Flourish /ˈflʌrɪʃ/

Ex: Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.

Identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/

Ex: Well, they say that identifying the problem is the hardest part.

Improve /ɪmˈpruːv/

Ex: His quality of life has improved dramatically since the operation.

Include /ɪnˈkluːd/

Ex: I think it helps if we try to create more communities within the bigger city so we should try to include people rather than exclude them.

Linger /ˈlɪŋɡə(r)/

Ex: The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room.

Modify /ˈmɒdɪfaɪ/

Ex: The software we use has been modified for us.

Overcome /ˌəʊvəˈkʌm/

Ex: What can we do to overcome this difficulty?

Present /priˈzent/

Ex: He said that he hadn’t realized that the early start would present a problem.

Raise /reɪz/

Ex: She raised the gun and fired.

Reform /rɪˈfɔːm/

Ex: The law needs to be reformed.

Regulate /ˈreɡjuleɪt/

Ex: The activities of credit companies are regulated by law.

Remedy /ˈremədi/

Ex: This situation is easily remedied.

Resolve /rɪˈzɒlv/

Ex: At last scientists have resolved the problems associated with solar-powered cars.

Tackle /ˈtækl/

Ex: How did you tackle it?

Tolerate /ˈtɒləreɪt/

Ex: This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated.

Transform /trænsˈfɔːm/

Ex: The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.

Worsen /ˈwɜːsn/

Ex: The political situation is steadily worsening.


Find a solution

Ex: We need to find a solution to this situation as soon as possible.

Overcome a difficulty

Ex: What can we do to overcome this difficulty?

Reach/find a compromise

Ex: Finally, the members of the city council were able to find a compromise and the building work was allowed to start.

Remedy a situation

Ex: This situation is easily remedied.

Resolve an issue

Ex: How do I report and resolve an issue with my lesson?

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