Benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt/

Ex: The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone.

Challenge /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/

Ex: The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career.

Compromise /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/

Ex: Finally, the members of the city council were able to find a compromise and the building work was allowed to start.

Difficulty /ˈdɪfɪkəlti/

Ex: What can we do to overcome this difficulty?

Dilemma /dɪˈlemə/

Ex: I couldn’t see any way out of the dilemma.

Inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/

Ex: Today, there are 21 megacities, each containing more than 10 million inhabitants, three-quarters of them in developing nations.

Infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/

Ex: Overpopulation puts an enormous strain on the infrastructure of the cities.

Isolation /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn/

Ex: Many unemployed people experience feelings of isolation and depression.

Issue /ˈɪʃuː/

Ex: Here is a list of the issues that will be tackled during the meeting.

Megacity /ˈmeɡəsɪti/

Ex: Today, there are 21 megacities, each containing more than 10 million inhabitants, three-quarters of them in developing nations.

Migrant /ˈmaɪɡrənt/

Ex: Many rural migrants fail to find adequate work, and therefore cannot afford decent housing.

Obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl/

Ex: A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job.

Overpopulation /ˌəʊvəˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/

Ex: Overpopulation puts an enormous strain on the infrastructure of the cities.

Population /ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/

Ex: The world’s population is booming.

Poverty /ˈpɒvəti/

Ex: The lack of jobs usually means that there is a lot of poverty in big city.

Resolution /ˌrezəˈluːʃn/

Ex: They are discussing methods of conflict resolution at the moment.

Setback /ˈsetbæk/

Ex: The team suffered a major setback when their best player was injured.

Slum /slʌm/

Ex: In some megacities up to 50 percent of the residents live in slums.

Solution /səˈluːʃn/

Ex: We need to find a solution to this situation as soon as possible.

Tolerance /ˈtɒlərəns/

Ex: She had no tolerance for jokes of any kind.

Traffic /ˈtræfɪk/

Ex: The traffic is so bad nowadays that I was leaving home at 6.30 every morning to get there in time.

Urbanization /ˌɜːbənaɪˈzeɪʃn/

Ex: Such a staggering rate of urbanization brings its own problems, especially in developing nations, where the majority of the megacities will be found.

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