Asteroid /ˈæstərɔɪd/

Ex: The surface of Venus also has many craters as a result of asteroid collisions.

Astronaut /ˈæstrənɔːt/

Ex: The station, called Skylab, managed to carry three different crews of astronauts over a nine-month period.

Atmosphere /ˈætməsfɪə/

Ex: The broken shuttle parts have simply been left to float in the atmosphere and cause a very real threat to everyone here on Earth.

Cosmos /kɒzmɒs/

Ex: These physicists feel our study of the cosmos has been taken too far.

Crater /ˈkreɪtə/

Ex: The surface of Venus also has many craters as a result of asteroid collisions.

Debris /ˈdebriː/

Ex: In the relatively short time that man has been travelling in space we have already left sufficient debris behind to show that we are as careless in our space as on Earth.

Earth /ɜːθ/

Ex: In terms of its physical features it is similar in size to Earth.

Exploration /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn/

Ex: You will hear two science lectures discussing space exploration.

Explorer /ɪkˈsplɔːrə/

Ex: It is not surprising that explorers should turn their attention to other parts of the universe.

Galaxy /ˈɡæləksi/

Ex: The North Star is the brightest star in our galaxy.

Gas /ɡæs/

Ex: Saturn has barely any solid surface, as it compositions is mostly gas.

Gravity /ˈɡrævəti/

Ex: There the passengers will be able to experience zero gravity in a special simulator.

Horizon /həˈraɪzn/

The moon appears much bigger when it is close to the horizon.

Launch /lɔːntʃ/

Ex: Our passengers will be ready for launch within 2 days.

Meteor /ˈmiːtiə/

Ex: Many scientists believe that dinosaurs became extinct when a meteor hit the Earth.

Moon /muːn/

Ex: However, I do not believe that planting a flag on the moon gives anyone the right to claim it as theirs.

Ocean /ˈəʊʃn/

Ex: However, unlike Earth, it doesn’t have any oceans.

Orbit /ˈɔːbɪt/

Ex: Its low orbit gradually pulled the 77-tonne Skylab down towards the Earth making a crash landing inevitable and causing a great deal of concern around the world.

Outer space /ˈaʊtə speɪs/

Ex: I think we need to act quickly to establish a set of international laws that govern outer space.

Planet /ˈplænɪt/

Ex: Many people believe that one day we will form a colony on another planet.

Radiation /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃn/

Ex: Spaceships cannot be totally protected from radiation.

Rocket /ˈrɒkɪt/

Ex: During the flight itself a rocket will propel the spacecraft into suborbital space in excess of 100,000 m above the Earth’s atmosphere.

Satellite /ˈsætəlaɪt/

Ex: There are currently approximately 8,000 pieces of space junk floating above our heads thanks to the satellites, space shuttles and space stations out there.

Simulator /ˈsɪmjuleɪtə/

Ex: There the passengers will be able to experience zero gravity in a special simulator.

Solar system /ˈsəʊlə ˈsɪstəm/

Ex: The planets in our solar system have become the next frontier to be conquered.

Space /speɪs/

Ex: We all remember the so-called space race of the 1960s when the US and USSR were each determined to be the first to land on the moon.

Spacecraft /ˈspeɪskrɑːft/

Ex: Spacecraft need to reach extremely high speeds in order to escape the gravitational pull of the earth.

Space shuttle /speɪs ˈʃʌtl/

Ex: There are currently approximately 8,000 pieces of space junk floating above our heads thanks to the satellites, space shuttles and space stations out there.

Space station /speɪs ˈsteɪʃn/

Ex: Although there is an international space station, this is currently only involved in research.

Surface /ˈsɜːfɪs/

Ex: The surface of Venus has many craters caused by asteroid.

Universe /ˈjuːnɪvɜːs/

Ex: Many people wonder if there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

Weightlessness /ˈweɪtləsnəs/

Ex: This will allow passengers to experience weightlessness.

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