Avoid /əˈvɔɪd/Ex: If you have a food allergy, make sure you avoid any of the ingredients that can trigger an attack.
Counteract /ˌkaʊntərˈækt/:
Ex: Many people develop cravings for salt, fat and sugar to counteract tension and, thus, gain weight.
Curb /kɜːb/
Ex: So be sure to eat regularly if you want to curb your appetite.
Cure /kjʊə(r)/
Ex: Will you be able to cure him, Doctor?
Diminish /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/
Ex: Certainly, on a more obvious level, stress diminishes the quality of life by reducing feelings of pleasure and accomplishment, and relationships are often threatened.
Disrupt /dɪsˈrʌpt/
Ex: Some evidence suggests that repeated release of stress hormones disrupts normal levels of serotonin, the nerve chemical that is critical for feeling of well-being.
Eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/
Ex: You don’t need to eliminate all of your favorite foods but do check the ingredients on food labels.
Maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/
Ex: Try to maintain a healthy weight.
Overdo /ˌəʊvəˈduː/
Ex: One sure sign that you may be overdoing it is if you can’t carry on a conversation while you exercise.
Overeat /ˌəʊvərˈiːt/
Ex: Skipping meals can lead to overeating as you will be much hungrier later.
Prevent /prɪˈvent/
Ex: The government took steps to prevent a scandal.
Recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/
Ex: These contain vital nutrients and leading dieticians recommend eating at least two servings or fruit and three of vegetables every day.
Recover /rɪˈkʌvə(r)/
Ex: He's still recovering from his operation.
Reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/
Ex: However, there is some hope for sufferers in this area as relaxation therapy has been found to reduce stress levels and consequently improve the quality of sleep.
Skip /skɪp/
Ex: Skipping meals can lead to overeating as you will be much hungrier later.
Stimulate /ˈstɪmjuleɪt/
Ex: The article can be used to stimulate discussion among students.
Trigger /ˈtrɪɡə(r)/
Ex: Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction.
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