Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football, while other people think that taking part in individual sports, like tennis or swimming, is better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is argued that people will gain more benefits when engaging in team sports such as football. Other people, however, believe that it is better to participate in individual sports like golf or tennis. I personally agree with the first group.

On the one hand, there are a number of reasons why some people think that taking part in individual sports has more advantages. Firstly, people who choose to play solo sports such as swimming or tennis have the opportunity to develop independence. This can be explained by the fact that those who play these sports have no one to help them during the game, so they are forced to develop independent thinking and make their own decisions. Those who take part in team sports, by contrast, often receive support from their team members, which could discourage them from developing these skills. Another reason is that players in solo sports know that their success depends mostly on their effort, determination and concentration. Therefore, these people always make every possible effort to achieve their goals.

On the other hand, I would argue that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams such as basketball or football. This is because these sports teach their players valuable life lessons that they could not learn from individual sports. Take football as an example. Those who play this game are taught to work effectively in a team environment and even sacrifice themselves for the sake of their team. Team sports also teach people about leadership which is one of the most important skills in today’s world.

In conclusion, although some people say that we should choose to play solo sports such as golf or tennis, I believe that team sports like football bring far more benefits.

(297 words, written by Nguyen Huyen, band 8.5-9)

Từ vựng chủ lực:

1. take part in … = participate in … = engage in …: tham gia vào …
2. individual sports = solo sports: các môn thể thao cá nhân
3. team sports = sports which are played in teams: các môn thể thao đồng đội
4. have the opportunity to = have the chance to : có cơ hội làm gì
5. develop independence: phát triển sự tự lập
6. to be forced to: bị ép làm gì// bị buộc phải làm gì
7. receive support from sb: nhận được sự hỗ trợ từ ai
8. discourage sb from doing something: ngăn cản ai đó làm gì
9. depends mostly ondepend primarily on: phụ thuộc phần lớn vào …
10. make every possible effort totry their best to: nỗ lực hết sức để làm gì
11. valuable life lessons: những bài học cuộc sống giá trị
12. sacrifice themselves for the sake of: hy sinh bản thân vì lợi ích của…

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