The table below shows key data on the demographics of four different countries.

The table compares four different countries in terms of population, GDP per capita and average life expectancy.

Overall, the most populous nation is China, but this country has the lowest GDP per person, while the US has the highest economic output per capita, but the lowest life expectancy.

As can be seen from the table, China has a total population of over 1.3 billion, followed by the US with the figure being significantly lower, at nearly 319 million. The population in the UK is the lowest, at only around 65 million, half the figure of Russia. In terms of GDP per capita, the US has the largest number, at nearly $54,000, while the lowest figure is recorded in China, just about $6,800. GDP per person in the UK is approximately $41,800, almost double that of Russia.

According to the table, life expectancy, on average, of people in the UK is highest, at 81.5 years, while that of Americans is lowest only 69.2 years. The figures for China and Russia are 75.2 and 72.3 years respectively.

(175 words, band 8.5, written by Nguyen Huyen)

Từ vựng chủ lực:

1. has a total population of…: có dân số là bao nhiêu
2. followed by: theo sau bởi
3. with the figure being significantly lower: với con số thấp hơn rất nhiều
4. half the figure of…: bằng 1 nửa con số của…
5. per person = per capita: trên đầu người
6. around = about = approximately: khoảng, xấp xỉ
7. The figure for: con số cho
8. respectively: lần lượt là
9. while = whereas: trong khi

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