Incarceration /ɪnkɑːrsəˈreɪʃən/ = Imprisonment = Jail sentence

Ex 1: It is thought by many that Incarceration is a less effective form of punishment. The reason with regard to this is that crime can not be solved radically merely by putting wrongdoers behind bars.

  Criminal - Offender - Perpetrator
Ex 1: One of justifications given for jail sentence is to keep society safer by removing heavy perpetrators such as brutal killers from the outsside word.

 Misdemeanor /ˌmɪsdɪˈmiːnər/ = Commit a petty crime = Do something wrong

Ex 1: Community services for those who misdemeanor are conducive to not only society but also each individual.

 Reoffend = Turn back to crime = Commit an offence again

Ex 1: Law enforcement agencies has promulgated this law to prevent ex-prisoners from reoffending.

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